AFM Parents Spread Awareness on Dr. Oz

On January 21st, AFM families partnered with the Dr. Oz show in raising awareness on a national level about Acute Flaccid Myelitis. We were so grateful for the opportunity to raise awareness and provide education to the general public.

Watch a portion of the episode here.

Local parents sat on a panel to talk with Dr. Oz’s medical expert, Dr. Lipkin, and were able to ask about his opinion on AFM research.

Four AFM moms shared their childrens’ stories via video conference.

The highlight was certainly two AFM moms (and AFM Association board members!) telling their childrens’ stories in an interview segment with Dr. Oz.

The show highlighted parents’ personal experiences and frustrations with diagnosis and treatment. We were glad to see the Dr. Oz team choose to highlight children who had been severely affected so that parents watching will see how devastating AFM can become. The show highlighted the immediate onset of symptoms and detrimental effects of the condition, while recognizing that a cause has not been scientifically proven and that, at this point in time, there is not a prevention or cure. We’re excited to continue our relationship with Dr. Oz and continue to educate and raise awareness about AFM.
